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To view or print the instructions included with each set, visit each of the four links below. Each is a one page PDF file that constitutes one of the four pages of the printed instructions. If you left-click, you will see the page in your browser if you have the Adobe Acrobat PDF viewer plug-in. You will be able to view or print from that page. If you right-click on one of the links, you can select the "download link" option, and the file will be downloaded. You will then be able to view or print it off-line with the free Adobe Acrobat program, available at http://get.adobe.com/reader/
When you print each page, be sure to select the FIT TO PAGE option upon printing, otherwise the text around the edges may be clipped.
Page 1 of 4, Filename: RC_INSTR_pg1.pdf Page 2 of 4, Filename: RC_INSTR_pg2.pdf Page 3 of 4, Filename: RC_INSTR_pg3.pdf Page 4 of 4, Filename: RC_INSTR_pg4.pdf